Saturday, September 3, 2011

Enduring the miseries of refugees’ life in Malaysia

Burmese refugees in Malaysia
Burmese refugees in Malaysia. @chinland

 The 10,000 des­per­ate refugees in Malaysia can only hope to return to their coun­try of ori­gin if nobody wants them. What the UN can do is give a dead­line to the mil­i­tary gov­ern­ment of Myan­mar and con­duct the Com­mis­sion on Inquiry if Myan­mar can­not meet the deadline.
The mil­i­tary gov­ern­ment can­not be buy­ing time while thou­sands of peo­ple are suf­fer­ing because they were dis­placed by the vio­lent acts and abuse of a few who want to con­trol not only Burma but also the out­ly­ing regions belong­ing to the eth­nic groups.
The eth­nic groups should con­sol­i­date their efforts to get back their land if the freedom-loving peo­ple can­not be accom­mo­dated in the other coun­tries. The demands of the mil­i­tary gov­ern­ment do not offer any solu­tion for the rebels, they only want submission.
It is heart­en­ing that some free coun­tries have accom­mo­dated refugees but per­haps the num­ber of the refugees is so big and not all can be given space wherein to survive.
The mil­i­tary gov­ern­ment who com­mit­ted atroc­i­ties to stay in power have to be made to pay for their errors. The kind of repres­sive rule they have exhib­ited can only mean that there are other motives they want to achieve by stay­ing in power and obtain­ing their suc­cess through the vio­lent means, step­ping on the rights of oth­ers, can­not be justifiable.

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