Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mae Sot: A story of Burmese Worker in Thailand

Pictured below is a photo taken last week.
I was visiting the Holy Infant Orphanage run by the Dominican Sisters whom we support.
Sister Marcello is in charge and during the course of conversation she told me about a little boy that she had recently taken in and was not an Orphan . Further details revealed that the mother
who is Burmese could not look after her Son as she is solo Mum with three other children . She works for a Thai family who provide her with accommodation and is employed as a labourer  on a building site.
Her eldest daughter pictured here was tricked into going to Bangkok supposedly to work in a factory 4 years ago and was never heard of until recently when she was "dumped"on the street close to her Mothers house in a shocking state .There is no doubt that she had been physically mentally and sexually abused and also drugged continuously so that she had no recall of the events that took place . She could not walk and her head kept shaking and she was trembling her food intake was almost nil .
I went to her house to see what could be done in the company of Sr Marcello Br.Hilario op and a Thai lady. Hilario is Burmese and is fluent in English .
I suggested that we go to a shopping centre and supermarket to buy some essentials the Thai lady agreed to accompany them and I gave them some money to buy shoes underwear tops and pants then to buy any food that might tempt to eat at the end of this I got a very weak "thank you"
In English and also a smile which was a great reward.
It was enough to help once with a few dollars .I visited the Mae Tao clinic and spoke with Dr Cynthia and she agreed to see Khin Moe.
Mae Tao is a Hospital in Thailand which is for Burmese
and is funded by donations and staffed mainly by volunteers.
Dr Cynthia is the CEO of the hospital  and Khin Moe Kyaw has been referred to the local Thai hospital and has an appointment in about 10 days.
I asked Dr if we could do more but because Khin Moe is Burmese and has no documents there is no possibility of overseas treatment which I felt would be of value possibly in Singapore
We have given Sr Marcello some money to fund any future medical or other critical needs
Pictured here are Sr Marcello Khin Moe Kyaw her Mother and Br Hilario
I thought that this may be of interest to you even though you will be aware of similar situations as I am but it is the first time that I been directly involved .
It is a situation that too few Kiwis are aware of and in discussions with Sr Child protection for the young maturing ladies in her care is top priority
I would reccomend the holy infant website.

God bless
Don Matthews

This story is shared by Mr.Don Matthews to Myanmar Refugees In Malaysia

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